
25.05.2023 — 15.06.2023
Südpol Luzern
Arsenalstrasse 28
6010 Kriens

1989 humanity launched a space probe to the orbit of Jupiter. Its investigations led to extraordinary discoveries – raising the question of whether extraterrestrial life might exist on Europa, one of Jupiter‘s moons. About 600 million kilometers further, a restless entity seeks its path through a Europe of backdrops located in a theme park called Europa Park.


Eine Videoinstallation von Sophie Nadler und Etienne Eisele

Mit Yadin Bernauer

Vernissage am Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023 / ab 18 Uhr

Südpol, Grosse Halle

Mit einem Apéro von Nettletwinks

25.05. - 15.06.2023

Installation - Südpol, Theke

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