Annie Kahri
Eartheater We all know her, we all love her! Sie ist bekannt für ihre crazy Fits, ihre slim Eyebrows, ihre Hottness und vor allem auch für ihre unverkennbare Musik.
A super moisturizing, anti-wrinkle sheet masks with snake venom and hyaluronicacid, which keeps your skin healthy.
Main ingredients:
- Snake Venom essence - is a peptide that mimics the action of snake venom to freeze wrinkles and prevents formation of new lines. Serum thanks to baobab extract, Indian fig and adenosine deeply nourish and even the skin complexion.
- Hyaluronic acid – naturally produced in the human body helps to contain water in skin. Takes significant role in wound healing.
Pure Smile Snake Venom erschien heute am 23. August via Chemical X.
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